Hydrology Days 2020 – Webinar

Considering the Covid-19 health emergency, the Governing Council (CD) of the Italian Hydrological Society (SII) organized Hydrology Days 2020 divided into a series of three different webinars:

– Nov. 13 and 27 with Invited Speakers and Discussion and

– Dec. 11 with Honorary Membership of SII, Final Report Florisa Melone Prize 2019, Young Hydrological Society-IT Presentation and Round Table.

The program can be downloaded at Hydrology Days 2020_SII page.

Available on Youtube webinars:

November 13

Relazioni Maria Cristina Rulli – Luca Brocca

Relazioni Giuseppe Formetta – Gianluca Botter

Discussione Webinar

November 27

December 11