Rome June 18 – 20
The Hydrology Days 2018 of the Italian Hydrological Society were held June 18-20 at Sapienza University of Rome. The Days aimed to illustrate some of the responses of the Italian hydrological community to the needs of the Italian country for a proper prevention and mitigation of natural hazards (floods, droughts and landslides) in a context of global changes. In particular, the Days aimed to promote a close synergy between the world of research and that of Public Administration, Business and the professional world. An expression of this synergy was also the Round Table with the theme “Water governance: the needs of Society and the responses of the Scientific Community,” which featured as speakers:
– Prof Armanda Brath – President of the Italian Hydrotechnical Association and member of the Major Risks Commission
– Eng. Martina Bussettini – ISPRA Area Manager for Hydrology and Hydromorphology
– Eng. Giorgio Cesari – Former Secretary General of the Tiber River Basin Authority
– Eng. Angela Corina – Civil Protection Department
– Eng. Fabrizio Curcio – Presidency of the Council of Ministers, former Head of the Civil Protection Department
– Dr. Erasmo D’Angelis – Secretary General Authority Central Italy Hydrographic District
– Eng. Tommaso Moramarco . President Italian Hydrological Society
– Prof. Francesco Napolitano – Professor Faculty of Engineering Rome DICEA
– Prof. Ezio Todini – Honorary President SII
The Best Oral and Poster Presentation Award was given during the Days, consisting of the Book “Advances in Watershed Hydrology” and collecting selected papers from the Florisa Melone Memorial Conference, held in Assisi in October 2013. The following papers were awarded:
Oral Presentation
1) Capparelli G. Napoli P. Spolverino G. Versace P. Modellazione fisica per lo studio degli effetti della pioggia nei processi di infiltrazione in terreni piroclastici
2) Garbin S, Alessi Celegon E. Fanton P. Botter G. Distribuzione spaziale del regime dei deflussi e connettività idrologica a scala di rete
3) Viola F. Caracciolo D. Deidda R Analytical estimation of annual runoff distribution in ungauged seasonally dry basins
4) Lanni C, de Piccoli F. Bertragnolli R. Attività propedeutiche alla progettazione delle opere di mitigazione del pericolo idraulico della città di Chiusa (BZ) ed opere di utilizzo di barriere passive e funzionamento idraulico per la difesa delle piene.
Poster Presentation
1) Stelluti M, Natazzi L., Nelli P,, Viterbo A. Web-Gis del Servizio Idrografico della RegioneUmbria: uno strumento interattivo per la diffusione dei dati idro-meteorologici, studi e analisi a supporto della gestione della risorsa idrica e della valutazione del rischio idraulico
2) Perra E. Piras M Deidda R. Paniconi C. Mascaro G. On the parameter transferability across models and events: an application in a semi-arid Mediterranean catchment.
3) Arnone F. Francipane A. Dialynas Y, Noto L.V. Effetto della risoluzione spaziale delle nesh sulla modellazione delle frane attivate da precipitazione
The 2018 Florisa Melone Prize was awarded to the SILVA Project: “Water exchanges between itsL Vegetation and Atmosphere: a comparative analysis between two Italian forested basins” coordinated by Dr. Giulia Zuecco of the University of Padua. Dr. Michele Bottazzi of the University of Trento and Dr. Alessandro Errico of the University of Florence are participating in the project.
Hydrology Days 2018 SII program with presentations