Pubblicazione su Hydrology – Fee Waiver

La Rivista Hydrology, di cui il Presidente Onorario Ezio Todini è l’Editor in Chief,  offre la pubblicazione di lavori nel campo delle Scienze Idrologiche, esonerando gli Autori dai costi di pubblicazione. Dettagli sono riportati di seguito:

In order to celebrate the new Citescore of 3.6, and especially to further promote /Hydrology/ in your country, we are offering a fee waiver to those who can submit a research article or review paper (listed as the first author or corresponding author) to our journal within three months.

If you are interested, please provide a tentative title, author names, and an abstract within 15 days to editorial office ( A full version is expected within three months, but if you require more time, please let me know. This discount only applies to new submissions.

/Hydrology /(ISSN 2306-5338) is an international, multi/interdisciplinary, open access and peer-reviewed journal that focuses on hydrological sciences. The journal encompasses all aspects of hydrology: groundwater, surface water, soil water and atmospheric water, as well as snow and ice. Papers advancing the quantitative, qualitative, ecological and managerial aspects of hydrology are welcome. Particularly welcome are those papers that discuss such aspects’ interrelationships.

For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at the journal website (