Hydrology Days 2024 (Udine, June 24-26)

The Hydrology Days (“Giornate dell’Idrologia”) 2024 are entitled “Water management in conditions of climatic emergencies: the response of the hydrological community to the territory” (“La gestione delle acque in condizioni di emergenze climatiche: la risposta della comunità idrologica al territorio”) and, as announced, will take place in Udine, at Palazzo Garzolini di Toppo Wassermann, via Gemona 92, from Monday afternoon of June 24 to Wednesday lunchtime of June 26.


Contributions are expected in the form of oral presentations and posters (with flash presentation), which will be scheduled during the Days directly by the Scientific Committee, based on the contents and keywords, without a prior division into topic sessions.

We invite contributions that present innovative researches and applications aimed at the qualitative and quantitative description of the components of the hydrological cycle; specifically, ground-based and satellite hydro-meteorological monitoring, the prediction and mitigation of the effects of exceptional hydro-meteorological events are relevant topics; the planning and sustainable management of water resources, even in a context of global changes.

Participants who wish to contribute are invited to send an abstract in Italian or English (max 500 words, max 1 figure, max 2 pages) by April 10, 24, 2024 through the following Google form (copy and paste the link in case of error):


The abstract template can be downloaded here: link


Participation to the Hydrology Days is free of charge, but is reserved to the members of the Italian Hydrological Society (IHS/SII). Participants can renew the membership at the moment of Hydrology Days registration; however, those who intend to participate are invited to subscribe or renew their membership to the HIS/SII for the year 2024 before registering to the event, following the instructions on the following webpage https://www.sii-ihs.it/rinnovi.php


April 10, 24, 2024: abstract submission


Le Hydrology Days, will take place from Monday afternoon of June 24 to Wednesday lunchtime of June 26 in Udine, at Palazzo Garzolini di Toppo Wassermann, Università degli Studi di Udine, in via Gemona 92, 33100 UDINE (UD)


For any information, please send an email to: giornateidrologia2024@gmail.com


Elisa Arnone (coordinator)

Silvia Bosa

Sara Cucchiaro

Matteo Nicolini

Elia Zanelli

Veronica Zoratti


Elisa Arnone

Brunella Bonaccorso

Günter Blöschl

Giorgio Boni

Martina Bussettini

Federico Cazorzi

Luigi Cimorelli

Angela Corina

Elena Cristiano

Roberto Deidda

Davide De Luca

Vito Iacobellis

Christian Massari

Matteo Nicolini

Valerio Leonardo Noto

Marco Peli

Daniele Penna

Riccardo Rigon

Ezio Todini

Elena Toth