Bologna, September 17-18
The Hydrology Days 2019 of the Italian Hydrological Society was held in Bologna, September 17-18, 2019. The event followed the Decennial of the SII in the Giorgio Prodi Lecture Hall of the University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum.
The Theme of the Days “Hydrology at the service of citizens: between emergencies and water resources management” was developed in three sessions and a panel discussion:
SESSION 1: Hydraulic and hydrogeological risk prediction and mitigation.
Modeling for flood forecasting and warning.
Structural and nonstructural measures for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk mitigation.
Management of hydrogeological and hydraulic emergency.
SESSION 2: Water resources management.
Monitoring and forecasting of water resources.
Analysis of hydrological processes and regimes at different spatial and temporal scales.
Management of water resources and artificial reservoirs.
Analysis of quality and quantity of surface and groundwater resources.
Citizen involvement in participatory management of water resources and hydraulic and hydrogeological risk.
The Roundtable and session contributions aimed to highlight:
– the role of hydrological processes of transformation of meteoric forcings and measures for the mitigation of hydrological and hydraulic risks to protect citizens
– the contribution that citizens and associations can make to the management of water resources and hydraulic and hydrogeological risk
SII Hydrology Days 2019 program with presentations