The Hydrology Days 2023 of the Italian Hydrological Society were held in Matera, Italy, from Sept. 13 to Sept. 15, with the participation of around 130 members. The main theme of the Hydrology Days 2023 was “Complexity of hydrological phenomena in natural and anthropized environments.“
In addition to the keynote lecture, delivered by Prof. Andrea Rinaldo (2023 Stockholm Water Prize) on the topics of “Complexity and River Networks,” and the panel discussion, which involved several Public Institutions, 30 oral contributions and 47 posters were presented.
The panel discussion, on “Hydrological Research for Water Management in Complex Systems – Meeting between the Scientific Community and Public Institutions,” was attended by:
- Alfonso Andretta (AD Acquedotto Lucano)
- Vito Colucci (DG Ente per lo Sviluppo dell’Irrigazione e la Trasformazione Fondiaria in Puglia, Lucania ed Irpinia)
- Eleonora Dallan (Young Hydrologic Society -Italy YHS)
- Antonio de Leo (Direttore Industriale Acquedotto Pugliese)
- Luciana Giuzio (Autorità di Distretto Meridionale)
- Aurelia Sole (Coordinatrice Dottorato IISS – Unibas)
- Moderator: Elena Toth (Presidente SII)
The Florisa Melone prize was awarded to the FLORES project – “FLOod Regulating AgroEcosystem Services – assessment to improve flash flood management in small agricultural river basins,” presented by Dr. Marco Lompi and Dr. Nikolas Galli.
A specific event for young researchers of the YHS-IT was also organized during this edition. For an in-depth discussion of YHS-IT activities during Hydrology Days 2023, please refer to the following post.
The book of abstract with all the abstracts of the oral and poster contributions is available on the Zenodo repository at the link DOI:

2023 Florisa Melone Prize

Round Table

Discussion at the posters

Group photo