Italian Hydrological Society
The Italian Hydrological Society (SII) was constituted on September 25, 2009, to promote the progress, enhancement, and dissemination of Hydrological Sciences with the main objective of bringing together three important realities: the academy (Universities, CNR, etc.), institutional operators (Territorial Public Bodies, Basin Authorities, Civil Protection, etc.) and private operators (Engineering Companies, Engineers, etc.).
Flyer Società Idrologica Italiana

Young Hydrologic Society – IT
The Italian Young Hydrologic Society (YHS-IT) is an initiative that aims to stimulate the interaction and active participation of young hydrologists within the Italian hydrologic community.  The YHS-IT was established as a section of the Italian Hydrological Society (SII), with which it collaborates to foster connections between young researchers, particularly PhD students and postdocs from academia, and professionals working in both the private and public sectors..
Flyer YHS-IT

Official Journal of SII
Hydrology Research / IWA PUBLISHING